If you are on auto renewal; the option to add a tip will be in the billing box on the homepage.
If you are not on auto renewal; a tip can be added to a onetime renewal payment on the Pay Now page.
Over the Phone
The easiest way to tip the carrier is by calling the circulation desk at 207-791-6074 and we can take a onetime payment as tip with a debit or credit card.
At Home
You can leave the tip for the carrier where they normally deliver your paper.
By Mail
You can return your paper renewal notice with the tip added into the renewal payment.
If you would like the carrier's contact information, we can request this from the depot to see if the carrier is okay with giving it out. Some carriers drop off cards with their information during the holidays as well but not all. Please email the circulation desk at circulation@timesrecord.com to request that information.